Thursday, June 16, 2011

What does Heb 1 say about Jesus?

Hebrews chapter 1 says a bunch.
1:2 He spoke to us from God, the Father
       He inherited everything from God
1:2,10 The universe was created through Him by God
1:3  He radiates God's glory
       He expresses the exact character of God
       He sustains everything
                how? by his words, commands and their power
       He cleansed us from our sins   ---notice past's done....
 Gotta pause here cuz it reminds me of a verse Heb 10:14 that is so cool.
            It says "For by that one offering, sacrifice (Jesus death)
                                 He (Jesus) FOREVER made perfect
                                 those who (you and me!) are being made (present tense) holy."
            This means that God and Jesus are fully aware that we are not perfect yet, but God sees us as perfect while we are still in process. I think that it helps us look ahead after we mess up and never give up resetting our compass toward becoming Christ like.  Any aspect of us that is Christ-like must be showing some of God to those around us since Jesus is the exact representation of Him
       He sits next to God in heaven
1:4  He is far greater than angels
       His name is from God
       His name is greater than angel's names
1:5  His dad is God
1:6  He has angels worshiping Him cuz God told them too
1:8  He has a throne
       His throne endures forever
1:9  He loves justice
       He hates evil
       He is anointed by God
       He was anointed with oil of joy more than anyone else
1:11  He will remain forever
1:12  He is always the same
1:13  His enemies will be humbled by God
         His enemies will be put under His feet
      As I look through this list, I come to "He sustains everything"; I can't help but think of my heart. One time, while  I was singing a song that says He holds everything together I had my eyes closed and got a picture of a crystal clear 3D heart that was not broken but shattered but had not fallen to pieces like safety glass on the ground, it was suspended whole but had all the lines of being shattered.  To me, it says that though we may go through times we feel like things are falling apart, we can know that He holds us together still.. no matter the reason...he is there when we call to Him.  Today I will just acknowledge...Jesus, your name is great!  Help me to bring honor to your name today and thanks for holding my heart together no matter what caused the shattering. A freind told me that the cracks I saw will just allow more of you to penetrate the depths of my heart. Go for it God, I need you for those empty places!
Want homework? Have a chat with Jesus. Read Heb 1 and list what you learn about angels.

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